
Tropa australiana permanece

Segundo o Primeiro Ministro australiano dois dos três mil soldados aussis vão permanecer em Timor-Leste. Estes «peace keepers» - que como sabemos não levantaram um dedo para impedir as acções de violência durante a crise até a GNR aparecer - vão permanecer até às eleições de Março de 2007. Para assegurar os resultados...

P.M. australiano vai a Timor mostrar quem manda

Andei tão Completamente a Leste - pelo Alentejo - que não tive tempo de actualizar este blog...
No mundo, a leste, a neo-colonização de Timor segue o plano traçado. Ramos Horta - que fala sempre em inglês como já repararam apesar das línguas oficiais do país serem o tétum e o português - tomou o lugar do bode espiatório Mari Alkatiri. A primeira visita que recebe? A do homólogo australiano, claro, para que as posições fiquem bem claras... Depois, Howard - representante de um governo autoritário (dêem-se ao trabalho de ver o que se passa a nível político e social no país que governa) visita o presidente e os representantes da Nações Unidas em Timor. Para que as posições fiquem bem claras....
Entretanto os media de Portugal não dão bola ao assunto - os seus correspondentes no país do lafaek andam a comer jaquinzinhos com aimanas na Areia Branca.... e pouco mais.

Australia Prime Minister’s Visit To TL
The Australian Prime Minister on Tuesday paid a 6 hour visit to Timor-Leste where he was welcomed by his Timorese counterpart José Ramos-Horta at the airport. Prime Minister Howard then visited the troops stationed at Dili Port where there were a small friction or discrimination as claimed by STL, between the media and the forces for not allowing some journalists into the port upsetting some national and international reporters. In relation to the incident an Australian police said only journalists part of the Prime Minister’s delegation from the airport were allowed in as part of security measures. Prime Minister Howard then proceed to meet Minister Ramos-Horta. The meeting lasted around 1 hour. He then proceeded to meet President Xanana Gusmão Speaking to the media following the meeting President Gusmão said they discussed the current situation of Timor-Leste, the presence of the Australian troops and their role and the steps the country is taking to overcome the current crisis. Mr. Howard then proceeded to UNOTIL to meet DSRSG Anis Bajwa and some members of the UN. Mr. Howard had lunch with the troops in Caicoli before return to Australia at around 15hrs local time.
Diario Nacional reported that President Gusmão was happy following the visit of Australian Prime Minister John Howard saying it was a visit of solidarity and friendship and they discussed the current situation and what is required to further assist the presence of the international troops effectively. The President refused to comment on allegations that some Australian sectors were responsible for the fall of Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri saying “We Timorese are conscious of our own situation”. According to this daily, upon his arrival at Dili airport, where he was welcomed by his Timorese counterpart John Howard guaranteed that Timor-Leste can continue to count on the support and friendship of Australia. In the meantime Brigadier General Mick Slater said the situation in Dili is getting better thanks to the joint efforts between the international forces on the ground. On the visit of the Australian Prime Minister, Mick Slater said it was an important occasion as it would boost the troops’ morale. (TP, DN)